Monday, July 13, 2009

Love Letter From God

Dear Teenager,

            You’ve come a long way since you were a child.   Granted, the journey that you have taken has not been easy, and there will be many more obstacles to come.  But remember that if you keep your faith with you, these obstacles will not seem as large and they will be more bearable to undergo.  I love you, and no matter what happens I will always be with you.  You are my child still, and always will be.  Even through times of great hardship, when you may have lost all hope, remember that I am here.  When you think that nobody in this world cares for you and that you are alone, remember that I love you.  As you grow older, the challenges to your faith and life will not become any easier; but you can surmount them.  I will always walk with you on your journey of life, my child, even when you think I have deserted you. Sometimes, you may think that no one could possibly know the pain and suffering you are going through, but remember that I do.  I have not forsaken you, nor will I ever do so.  There is nothing that shines greater than my love for you.  I will lead you and guide you until the end of your life, lead you and guide you back home to me, your Father.  I will always be here for you.  Talk to me.  I shall be forever listening, waiting for you.  You think that your heart is searching and weary, never finding a home.  Your home is in me.  My love will shine like a beacon through the darkness, and it is bright enough for those even at the ends of the earth to see it.  This beacon will light the way for you.  My love is your guide along your journey of life.  It will never grow dim or fade.  As a lighthouse guides the ship to shore in the darkness, my love beckons you to the shores of everlasting life and eternal happiness.  And remember, child, I always walk beside you. But when you see only one set of footprints in the sand, those were the times that I carried you.                       



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